One thing I learned quickly five years ago this summer when the newly elected Pope Francis named me the Bishop of El Paso is that the Church here is rich. I believe El Paso is one of the richest Dioceses in the country! Ok, so maybe we are not so rich in the way you think I mean. We are truly rich in our people, in our history, in our culture. We are rich in the way we live out our Catholic Faith! When we pray miracles happen!
Although we don’t have the financial resources many other Dioceses can draw upon I have noticed that when we recognize a real need we are capable of mustering the financial resources as well. For instance, when we were called to take up a special collection in response to the devastation of Hurricane Harvey to assist the Diocese of Beaumont, whose churches and schools had been devastated by the flooding, we raised an incredible $118,467.09 in one weekend. In reading this newspaper you will see that our Diocese has been blessed in ways we might not have even dared to hope for a number of years ago. Around 2013 the number of seminarians studying for our Diocese was down to eleven. This was not enough to even keep our existing parishes staffed, much less to respond to the growth of the Catholic population and the need for new parishes. The Diocese began a campaign of prayer. Many parishes began reciting a prayer for vocations during every Mass. I would have to say the prayer has borne fruit! Today we have 27 seminarians studying for our Diocese. In May we ordained two men to the Diaconate. This month we will ordain two new priests. Later this summer we hope to welcome around eight new excellent candidates to study for the priesthood in our Diocese. Vocations are signs that God is working in our families and communities, calling forth young men from here and from elsewhere to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. Yes, miracles are happening and we are most blest! It is hard to overstate how important priests are to the life and health of the Church. While all of the Baptized have essential roles in the life of our faith, priests are the motor that keep us going. Who among us cannot tell a story about how a priest helped us or our family in our journey of faith. They baptize our babies, teach us and our children, inspire us by their preaching and example. They forgive our sins, witness our marriages, anoint us when we are seriously ill, they console us in our losses and bury our dead. As leaders of our parishes in union with the bishop they are the ones who call us together as a community. They are people who have given their lives to the service of God and his People. So complete is their commitment that they live chaste and celibate lives so that they themselves, in their very persons, can be signs that God’s Kingdom is among us. Now that God is hearing our prayer for priests I am confident that the next miracle God intends to accomplish will be through us. The preparation a man needs to be formed in holiness and knowledge necessary to serve as a priest is intensive and costly, but it pays dividends for years to come. Please be our next miracle by supporting this great and urgent need through the Bishops’ Appeal! Your donation, whether great or small will make you part of God’s great work in this blest Diocese. Bp. Mark
Pregúntele a cualquier persona activa, inmersa entre las llamas católicas, joven o de la tercera edad, ¿qué fue lo que encendió su fe? Es muy probable que le diga que tomo un retiro. Pregúntele a un sacerdote o mujer religiosa, ¿qué fue lo que le estimuló a seguir su vocación? Las encuestas han demostrado que un alto porcentaje de ellos comenzó a considerar seriamente la posibilidad de la Fe cuando asistieron a un retiro. Antes de la Confirmación, los jóvenes me mandan cartas solicitando el Sacramento y hablándome sobre su crecimiento como discípulos de Jesús. Con frecuencia hablan del papel transformador que han tenido a través de los retiros, en su vida de fe.
Cuando fui Instalado como Obispo de El Paso, hace ya casi 5 años, me di realmente cuenta cuán grande es el papel de los retiros en el fortalecimiento y en muchos casos, la reactivación de la Fe de nuestra gente aquí en El Paso. Durante mi homilía, mencioné a aquellos cuya fe había crecido en retiros carismáticos, encuentros matrimoniales, retiros de evangelización y retiros de ACTS. Con la mención de cada experiencia de retiro, los aplausos crecieron hasta que el Centro de Convenciones tembló con el rugido de aquellos que habían hecho un Retiro ACTS. La respuesta no dejó dudas en mi mente sobre el papel esencial que desempeñan estos retiros en nuestras vidas de hoy. Las finanzas de la Diócesis han estado muy estrechas últimamente, pero no pude decir que no, ni tampoco nuestro Consejo Presbiteral, ni la Junta de Propiedades Católicas, cuando el Dr. Mena me ofreció vender el Centro de Retiros de Holy Trinity, a un precio muy favorable y en términos muy favorables para la Diócesis de El Paso. Este fue un lugar en el que ellos derramaron su sangre, sudor y finanzas en estos últimos doce años. Después de vivir su propio retiro de ACTS, el Doctor Ascensión Mena vio la necesidad de que estas experiencias transformadoras tuvieran un hogar en El Paso. Con sus habilidades como organizador, empresario y constructor, reunió a hombres, hermanos y hermanas dedicados de ACTS a su alrededor para construir estas impresionantes instalaciones literalmente desde cero. Paso a paso, agregaron instalaciones, especialmente adaptadas para ACTS, pero útiles para cualquier otra experiencia de retiro o reunión. No fue planeado ser lujoso, pero proporcionaría un lugar donde la gente podría reunirse y Dios podría trabajar. Muchos le dirán hoy cuánto ha significado esta simple instalación en el desierto para su caminar con Dios. Solo en los últimos días hemos completado la compra de las instalaciones, por lo que los planes futuros aún están en proceso. Sin duda, necesitaremos el apoyo de todos para que esta nueva y audaz empresa sea todo un éxito. Estén atentos a las emocionantes noticias, mientras reunimos a personas con visión para desarrollar todo el potencial de nuestras increíbles y nuevas instalaciones. Mientras tanto, comience a planear sus retiros y otras reuniones relacionadas con la iglesia en su nueva casa diocesana. Simplemente llame a la oficina de Propiedades Católicas al 915.872.8406 o 915.355.0978. Obispo Mark Ask any active, on fire Catholic, young or old, what ignited their faith? Very likely they will tell you they made a retreat. Ask a priest or women religious what spurred them to pursue their vocation? Surveys have shown that a high percentage of them began to seriously consider this possibility when they made a retreat. Prior to Confirmation youth send me letters requesting the Sacrament and telling me about their growth as disciples of Jesus. They frequently speak of the transformative role retreats have had in their life of Faith.
When I was installed as Bishop of El Paso nearly 5 years ago now it really hit home to me how big a role retreats play in strengthening, and in many cases, reviving, the Faith of our people here. During my homily I mentioned those whose Faith had grown in charismatic retreats, marriage encounters, evangelization retreats and ACTS retreats. With the mention of each retreat experience the cheers grew until the Convention Center shook with the roar of those who had made an ACTS Retreat. The response left no question in my mind about the essential role these retreats play in our lives today. Finances for the Diocese have been very tight lately but I could not say no, nor could our Presbyteral Council or Catholic Properties Board, when Dr. Mena offered to sell the Holy Trinity Retreat Center at a very favorable price and under very favorable terms to the Diocese of El Paso. This was a place into which he had poured his blood, sweat and finances these last twelve years. After living his own ACTS retreat Dr. Ascension Mena had seen a need for these life-changing experiences to have a home in El Paso. With his skills as an organizer, a businessman and a builder he gathered dedicated men and ACTS brothers and sisters around him to build this impressive facility literally from the ground up. Step by step they added facilities especially geared to ACTS, but useful for any retreat or meeting experience. It was not planned to be luxurious or ritzy but it would provide a place where people could gather and God could work. Many will tell you today how much this simple facility in the desert has meant for their walk with God. We have only in the last few days completed the purchase of the facility so future plans are still in the works. We will certainly need everyone’s support to make this bold new undertaking a success. Stay tuned for exciting announcements as we bring together people with vision to develop the full potential of our amazing new facility! In the meantime start planning your retreats and other church related meetings at your new diocesan home. Just call the Catholic Properties office at 915.872.8406 or 915.355.0978. Bp. Mark Early Christians would greet one another saying, "Alleluia! He is Risen!" The response would come, "He is Risen indeed!" Yes, Christ is Risen from the dead and with him our hope has risen. The dark night of our sinfulness, the pall cast over the world by evil is dispelled. The Sun of Righteousness is among us and we have all been warmed by His rays.
For those who recognize this wondrous work of God the world cannot appear the same. Perhaps the sun is not shining any brighter. Clouds continue to cast their shadows. The burdens life presents to each of us remain. But there is an unseen Presence shining with brilliance within our hearts. The clouds do not block its glory. Even our burdens are illumined. Some disappear; others grow lighter to bear. There is a group among us who know the power of Christ's Rising with an even greater immediacy than the rest of us. I refer to those who, when we announced Christ's departure from the tomb at the Easter Vigil shared for the first time in the fruits of his victory. They have entered into the tomb with Christ in the waters of Baptism and emerged as sharers in His risen life. We also rejoice with those who, though baptized previously, came to share fully in his saving work through participation in Confirmation and the Eucharist. They entered into full communion with Christ's Church and joined us as we continue our journey into the Kingdom of our risen Lord. Please welcome those who either have or soon will join us as members of the Family of God. This year I will be celebrating this great work of God in their lives in a special way. I will be gathering with them in two groups for special Mystagogia Masses during this holy time of Easter. We are inviting the newly Baptized to wear their white garments signifying this new life they have received. Please look in this edition of the paper for a listing of the dates and times of these special celebrations. I, along with all of us in the Diocese, join in extending to you all our prayers and hopes that the great saving work of God we celebrate in this holy season of Easter will illumine your life and lighten your burdens. +Bishop Mark Los primeros cristianos se saludaban unos a otros diciendo: "¡Aleluya! ¡Él ha resucitado!" La respuesta sería, "¡Él ha resucitado de verdad!" Sí, Cristo resucitó de entre los muertos y con El nuestra esperanza ha aumentado. La noche oscura de nuestra pecaminosidad, el manto echado sobre el mundo por el mal se disipa. El Sol de Justicia está entre nosotros y todos hemos sido calentados por Sus rayos.
Para aquellos que reconocen esta maravillosa obra de Dios, el mundo no puede parecer lo mismo. Quizás el sol no está brillando más. Las nubes continúan proyectando sus sombras. Las cargas que la vida nos presenta a cada uno de nosotros permanecen. Pero hay una Presencia invisible que ilumina con brillo dentro de nuestros corazones. Las nubes no bloquean su gloria. Incluso nuestras cargas están iluminadas. Algunos desaparecen; otros se vuelven más ligeros de soportar. Hay un grupo entre nosotros que conoce el poder del Levantamiento de Cristo con una inmediatez aún mayor que el resto de nosotros. Me refiero a aquellos que, cuando anunciamos la partida de Cristo de la tumba en la Vigilia Pascual, compartieron por primera vez los frutos de su victoria. Han entrado en la tumba con Cristo en las aguas del Bautismo y han surgido como partícipes en Su vida resucitada. También nos regocijamos con aquellos que, a pesar de haber sido bautizados previamente, vinieron a compartir plenamente en su obra de salvación a través de la participación en la Confirmación y la Eucaristía. Entraron en plena comunión con la Iglesia de Cristo y se unieron a nosotros, mientras continuamos nuestro viaje hacia el Reino de nuestro Señor resucitado. Por favor, demos la bienvenida a aquellos que se nos han unido, o que pronto se unirán a nosotros como miembros de la Familia de Dios. Este año celebraré esta gran obra de Dios en sus vidas de una manera especial. Me reuniré con ellos en dos grupos para Misas especiales de Mistagogia, (catequesis post-bautismal - iniciación de los recién bautizados (neófitos) en los misterios del cristianismo), durante este tiempo santo de Pascua. Estamos invitando a los recién bautizados a usar sus prendas blancas, las cuales significan esta nueva vida que han recibido. Por favor, busque en esta edición del periódico una lista de las fechas y horarios de estas celebraciones especiales. Yo, junto con todos nosotros en la Diócesis, nos unimos para extenderle todas nuestras oraciones y esperanzas de que la gran obra salvadora de Dios, que celebramos en este tiempo santo de Pascua, ilumine su vida y aligere sus cargas. + Obispo Mark Probablemente estarás leyendo mi columna en algún momento a principios del mes de marzo y tengo buenas noticias para ti. ¡Aún tienes tiempo! ¡Tú puedes! Realmente no es demasiado tarde. ¡De alguna manera, nunca es demasiado tarde! Por supuesto, es mejor comenzar antes que después. Es un trabajo duro y generalmente lleva tiempo. Pero luego, sin embargo, este realmente no es tu trabajo y Aquel que trabaja es capaz de llevar a cabo Su trabajo cuando abrimos nuestros corazones.
Estoy hablando, por supuesto, sobre el trabajo de la conversión de la Cuaresma. Aunque la Cuaresma está ya en marcha, Dios todavía es muy capaz de ayudarnos a realizar un verdadero cambio de dirección en nuestras vidas; dejar atrás esos fastidiosos pecados habituales y establecer un nuevo conjunto de prioridades. Si has estado alejado de la Iglesia o de los Sacramentos durante mucho tiempo, nunca es tarde para que Jesús te dé la bienvenida de nuevo ------ ¡Nunca! Pero el tiempo pasa. Incluso la más larga de las jornadas inicia con el primer paso. Por supuesto, es difícil establecer una nueva dirección. Incluso si estamos hartos y cansados del modelo de vida que parece habernos capturado y parece imposible de escapar, no olvides que no estás solo en esto. ¡Tú tienes un gran campeón que lucha por ti, te anima y está listo para recibirte! Él entró en nuestra vida y en toda nuestra experiencia para que supiéramos que comprende nuestra lucha. ¡Él entró en una Pasión por ti! ¡Incluso dio su vida para levantarte! ¿Dónde inicias? El sacramento de la confesión puede ser un excelente lugar. Revisa tu boletín parroquial para obtener información del próximo Servicio de Penitencia, cuando muchos sacerdotes estarán allí para ayudar, o ve a la usual hora programada en tu parroquia. Será difícil dar este paso, pero sentirás que estás caminando en el aire al salir de ahí y tendrás el poderoso apoyo de la gracia de Dios a medida que avanzas en tu nueva vida. ¿¿¿Qué tienes que perder??? ¿¿¿Que estas esperando??? ¡La Pascua espera! Obispo Mark You are probably reading my column sometime in the beginning of March and I have good news for you. You still have time! You do! It really isn't too late. In a certain way it is never too late! It is of course better to start earlier than later. It is hard work and it usually takes time. But then, in another sense, it really is not your work and the One who works is able to accomplish His work whenever we open our hearts.
I am speaking, of course, about the work of conversion that this Lent is about. Even though Lent is well underway God is still quite capable of assisting us to make a true change in direction for our lives; to leave those nagging habitual sins behind and to establish a new set of priorities. If you have been away from the Church or the Sacraments for a long time it is never too late for Jesus to welcome you back------Never! But time is wasting. Even the longest of journies begins with the first step. Of course it is hard to set a new direction. Even if we are sick and tired of the pattern that seems to have captured us and it seems impossible to escape, don't forget that you are not in this alone. You have a mighty champion who is fighting for you, cheering for you, ready to receive you! He entered into our life and all of our experience so we could know that he understands our struggle. He entered a Passion for you! He even gave his life to raise you up! Where do you start? The Sacrament of Confession can be a excellent place. Check your parish bulletin for the next Penance Service when many priests will be there to help or go to the regularly scheduled time in your parish. It will be hard to take that step but you will feel like you are walking on air as you depart and you will have the powerful support of the grace of God as you move forward into your new life. What do you have to lose??? What are you waiting for??? Easter Awaits!!! Bp. Mark A mediados de este mes, el 14 de febrero, estaremos entrando en el tiempo santo de oración, penitencia, limosna y ayuno, al cual llamamos Cuaresma. Tradicionalmente, los católicos marcamos esta temporada eligiendo un sacrificio específico; soltar algún vicio o actividad habitual, que aunque no sea nocivo en sí mismo, puede impedirnos un bien mayor, también incluimos la oración o las buenas obras, en bien de otros. Este sacrificio de Cuaresma también puede servir para recordarnos diariamente, nuestro llamado Cuaresmal a la conversión.
Renunciar a una bebida favorita o a los chocolates o postres; reducir o eliminar el uso de la televisión, o películas o juegos de computadora, puede ser bueno. Ofrecer algún servicio o hacer alguna buena obra también puede ser un sacrificio agradable a Dios. Pero a la luz del Evangelio del Miércoles de Ceniza, el cual nos recuerda la sincera conversión que debe ser la base de nuestros sacrificios, me gustaría sugerir algunas otras cosas que podríamos “renunciar” a, en esta Cuaresma. A continuación, mi lista de los 10 Mejores Sacrificios de Cuaresma. Elige renunciar a: 10. Tomar el nombre de Dios en vano y usar el don del habla para hablar vulgarmente. 9. Rezongar sobre el privilegio de adorar a Dios los domingos. 8. Hablar críticamente sobre alguien, a otra persona, a menos que realmente necesiten saberlo. 7. Decidir que la oración diaria es lo primero que se deja para después, si su día está "demasiado ocupado". 6. Juzgar a las personas necesitadas "se lo merecen por sus actos" para liberarse de la responsabilidad de ayudar. 5. Exponerse a las tentaciones sexuales persiguiendo pensamientos inapropiados o por simple entretenimiento. 4. "Amigos" que te llevan por el camino equivocado en lugar de ayudarte a crecer. 3. Decirle a Dios cómo hacer su trabajo, en lugar de buscar la voluntad de Dios en todo. 2. Evitar el Sacramento de la Penitencia (Confesión). 1. Pensar que todos los demás necesitan conversión, más que tú mismo. Estas son algunas ideas. Me imagino que usted puede pensar en otras más. Lo mejor es concentrarse en algunas áreas que principalmente representen nuestras mayores deficiencias. Si pudiéramos hacer de estos un sacrificio al Señor mientras nos dirigimos a Él con todo nuestro corazón, estaríamos en camino a una Cuaresma que sería muy agradable a Dios. Obispo Mark At the middle of this month, on February 14th, we will enter the holy time of prayer, penance, almsgiving and fasting which we call Lent. Traditionally we Catholics mark this Season by choosing some specific sacrifice -- letting go of some vice or some habitual activity, which though not harmful in itself, may keep us from a greater good such as prayer or good works on behalf of others. This Lenten sacrifice can also serve to remind us day by day of our Lenten call to conversion.
Giving up a favorite beverage or chocolate or desserts; cutting down on or eliminating T.V. or movies or computer games can all be well and good. Offering some service or doing some good deed can also be a pleasing sacrifice to God. But in light of the Ash Wednesday Gospel which reminds us of the sincere conversion which must underlie our sacrifices, I would like to suggest some other things we might consider “giving up” this Lent. Here is my Lenten Sacrifice 10 Best List. Choose to give up: 10. Taking the name of God in vain and using the gift of speech for vulgar talk. 9. Grumbling about the privilege of worshiping God on Sunday. 8. Speaking critically of anyone to others unless they truly need to know. 7. Deciding that daily prayer is the first thing to drop if your day is “too busy”. 6. Judging that persons in need “have brought it upon themselves” to free yourself from the responsibility of helping. 5. Exposing yourself to sexual temptations by pursuing inappropriate thoughts or entertainment. 4. “Friends” who lead you down the wrong path rather than help you grow. 3. Telling God how to do His job instead of seeking God’s will in everything. 2. Avoiding the Sacrament of Penance (Confession). 1. Thinking that everyone else needs conversion more than you. These are a few ideas. I imagine you can think of others. It’s best to zero in on a few areas at most which represent our greatest shortcomings. If we could make of these a sacrifice to the Lord as we turn to Him with all our heart we would be well on our way to a Lent which is very pleasing to God. Bp. Mark On a Thursday, January 25th, of 1918 a small group gathered in St. Patrick’s, the recently dedicated Cathedral of the newly formed Diocese of El Paso and our first bishop, Joseph Schuler, Ordained to the Priesthood a young man from Chihuahua, Mexico. His name was Pedro de Jesus Maldonado. He came to El Paso for his Ordination because his own bishop was being treated in Mexico City for an illness. Besides, public worship was a risky activity in Chihuahua in those days during the Mexican Revolution and prior to the Cristero War.
Pedro prostrated himself upon the floor of the Cathedral as the Litany of the Saints was invoked and the bishop added his petition that the Holy Spirit would consecrate this young man to priestly service. After the prayer Pedro approached the bishop who solemnly laid hands upon his head. As Pedro knelt before him the bishop continued with the consecratory prayer asking that God would renew within him the Spirit of holiness and that he might be a faithful steward of God’s Mysteries. Bishop Schuler prayed that through Pedro God’s people would be renewed in the waters of rebirth through Baptism, nourished at God’s altar through the Eucharist, reconciled through the Sacrament of Penance and that the sick might be raised up through the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. So began the priestly service of this young Chihuahuan. Presumably his first Mass would also have been celebrated in El Paso although the formal celebration took place in Chihuahua on February 11th of that year. He served at the parish of San Nicolás de Carretas for a number of years. At the time of his arrival an epidemic was spreading among the people there and he served them without fear. Then in 1924 he was assigned to the parish of San Isabel, south of Chihuahua. He energetically set about teaching the faith sometimes using songs and dramas to convey the message. He initiated Nocturnal Adoration in his Diocese and he established the first Council of the Knights of Columbus. Although the Cristero war had ended great antipathy toward the Church continued in Chihuahua. In 1934 Fr. Maldonado was deported by the government to El Paso but he quickly returned to serve his people. Upon his return he began living in hiding in a small village outside of Santa Isabel named Boquilla del Río. On Ash Wednesday, February 10th of 1937, after hearing Confessions, Fr. Pedro was captured by a group of police and others. He was marched barefoot into the city hall of San Isabel followed by faithful women of the parish. There he was brutally beaten by city officials. Struck in the head by a pistol he fell to the floor covered in blood. The pix filled with hosts he was carrying fell out and one of his attackers forced him to consume them before he lost consciousness. It was his last Communion, Viaticum. The next day, February 11, 1937, on the 19th Anniversary of his First Mass, Fr. Pedro de Jesus Maldonado died. His Faith, his courage and his dedication to the service of God’s people has never been forgotten. On May 21st, of 2000, Fr. Maldonado along with 24 other martyrs of the Cristero War was canonized as a Saint by Pope John Paul II. It is with great pride that we in El Paso recall our significant role in San Pedro’s life! It was here in our Cathedral that he received the gift of the Spirit and his call to service as a priest was confirmed. I hope you will join me as we gather at St. Patrick’s Cathedral along with the Archbishop of Chihuahua, members of his family and many others on Thursday, January 25th at 7:00 p.m. to celebrate the Centenary of his Ordination. Check the entire schedule of events which will take place that week. We here in El Paso can make a claim few communities can make: we have a Saint! San Pedro de Jesus Maldonado, pray for us! Bp. Mark |
AuthorMost Rev. Mark J. Seitz Archives
May 2020
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